A Note From Dad

About A Note From Dad

First, foremost and always, I am a child of God who longs to serve and follow my Savior, Jesus
Christ, in all I do. Born from a desire to leave my children and future grandchildren what little
wisdom I’ve gleaned through my life experiences (mistakes), this site originally started in 2011
as a simple blog…a gathering place, if you will, for many of the random thoughts that have
passed through my mind over the years. In 2022, God began peeling away the layers of trauma
I’ve endured, and in so doing slowly began filling my heart and mind with the vision for what “A
Note From Dad” would become.

“The greatest use of a life is to spend it on something that will outlast it.” – William James

More than a blog…more than a brand…more than a social media presence, the vision God has placed on my heart is to Engage, Encourage, Enlarge, Empower, and Equip my own sons to be the men God is calling them to be. Along the way, I hope to do likewise for other fathers…to
strengthen the bond between fathers and their families as we each strive to be the husband our wives need and the dad our children deserve.

Our Mission

It is our vision to: Engage. Encourage. Enlarge. Empower. Equip.

Let's Get Social

Our journey together doesn’t have to end here. Follow me on social media and join a growing
community of like-minded dads for a daily dose of inspiration, encouragement, “dadvice”, parenting hacks, and a genuine connection that goes beyond the written notes found here…it’s the virtual high-five for your dad journey that we all crave.

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