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The International Board of Lifestyle Medicine (IBLM) establishes and maintains the standards for assessing and credentialing physicians practicing lifestyle medicine globally.

IBLM delivers a positive impact on the healthcare
field by:

Setting and maintaining a global standard for lifestyle medicine

Establishing standardized language for lifestyle medicine protocols globally

Differentiating evidence-based lifestyle medicine professionals from non-evidence-based lifestyle medicine practitioners

Legitimizing the field of lifestyle medicine

A photo of Amy Mechley, MD.

Amy Mechley, MD

Board Chair

CEO, Integrated Family Care

Agnese Lapsa-Lešinske

Data Manager, ABLM/IBLM

Rebecca Deutsch, MS, DipIBLM

Certification Manager ACLM/IBLM

A photo of Stephan Herzon

Stephan Herzog

Executive Director ABLM/IBLM

Teddy Xing

IBLM China Manager

A photo of Jill Waalen, MD.

Jill Waalen, MD

Question Bank and Exam Manager

Associate Professor Scripps Research Institute Family Medicine Physician, Psychometric Expert


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